Along the Canning Stock Route (CSR) there are several major existing campsites.
CAMPSITES (Toilet facilities)
Well 3 - Wakunpu
Windich Springs
Well 6 - Milyinyiri - Pierre Springs
Well 12
Well 15 - Manjanka
Pinpi - Durba Springs
Well 23 - Georgia Bore
Well 26 - Tiwa
Well 33 - Kunawarritji
Well 41 - Tiru
Well 46 - Kuduarra
Well 49 - Lampa
Nyarna - Lake Stretch
Other suggested CAMPSITES
These sites have wells that have either been restored or are less sensitive to impact:
Well 1
Well 3
Well 5
Well 6
Well 12
Well 18
Well 26
Kuny Kuny soak
Well 33
Well 36
Well 38 (north of)
Well 40
Lumpu - Well 49: Ngurrara Rangers remote Ranger base (water in well)
If camping elsewhere, please ensure the campsite is at least 100 metres from creeks, rivers and from water sources. Camping any closer may prevent fauna from gaining access to water. Try also to find an open space so you don’t have to clear vegetation, and take care to avoid driving over spinifex humps as they can take years to recover and provide important habitat for wildlife.
Camping is discouraged at the following sites due to cultural reasons and / or environmental degradation:
Windich Springs
Well 12
Well 16
Well 17
Diebil Hills
Well 24
Well 30
Well 37
Well 38*
Helena Springs
Point Massey
Breadon Pool
Godfrey’s Tank
*Do not park cars near the well as this site is particularly soft / susceptible to caving in.